As a childcare provider, we meet the criteria of the EYFS, which is defined by the Department for Education; this means following a structure of learning, development and care for all our children.
We are committed to the EYFS, ensuring that:
- Children learn through play.
- We work closely with all parents and have a key person system in place.
- We take every child’s unique qualities and interests into consideration when planning their day.
- We keep parents up-to-date on their child’s progress.
- We meet the welfare, learning and all-round development needs of children with different backgrounds and levels of ability, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
To help children reach their full potential, we deliver the EYFS curriculum of learning through purposeful play and a mix of planned adult-led and child-initiated activities. Whilst all areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected, the EYFS framework splits the areas of learning into “Prime” and “Specific” Areas.

For our youngest children we focus strongly on the three prime areas which are fundamental and focus on developing core skills that support development in all other areas of learning. These three areas are:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social and emotional development
The four specific areas of learning include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society and are a greater focus for the older children alongside the prime areas of learning. These four specific areas are:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Expressive Arts and design
- Understanding the World
For further information regarding the EYFS and how parents can support children with their learning and development please visit the following websites: